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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Master-PUR L-F Trivolution - NEW from Masterflex

The Master-PUR L-F Trivolution from Masterflex – the new premium product for real quality in even the simplest of applications.


You need quality, but have a limited budget? Don't worry - our new Master-PUR L-F Trivolution is exactly what you're looking for! This super-lightweight polyurethane film hose has been specifically designed for use in straightforward extraction applications and comes with a real price advantage.

Thanks to an optimal material mix and greatly enhanced production techniques, MASTERFLEX have created this new addition to a renowned range - the Master-PUR L-F Trivolution. The blend of materials ensures that it remains permanently antistatic in accordance with the standard DIN EN ISO 8031:2010-04 and also boasts the microbe resistant and flame-retardant characteristics, as specified in the standard DIN 4102 B1. Due to its antistatic properties, it can also be used in applications covered by the stringent German health and safety regulation TRBS 2153. In addition, the hose also complies with all criteria specified in the standard DIN 26057, which will shortly come into force.

With its three impressive features, the new L-F is the "entry level" premium product and a perfect addition to the successful Trivolution series from MASTERFLEX. Compared with the heavier hose versions in this series, it offers a much lighter wall system with a wall thickness between spirals of just 0.4 mm.

"In the case of less complex extraction processes, no major demands are placed on the material used. A simple system that does everything required and, most importantly, is cost-effective is all that is needed," explains Christian Horstkoetter, Sales Director for Spiral Hoses at Masterflex SE. "Our Master-PUR L-F Trivolution is an entry level product in premium quality that our customers can rely on to do a good job."

The L-F Trivolution can be used for transporting fine-grained particles, such as dust and powder, for extracting liquids and gaseous media, as well as for oil-mist removal. It can even be employed as a protection against mechanical stress.

Thanks to its super-lightweight structure, it is also highly flexible (1:5), has a minimal bend radius and is extremely easy to handle.

For anyone seeking a simple, practicable yet reliable solution for use in a non-complex applications, who wants real price advantages without compromising real quality, should look no futher than then new Master-PUR L-F Trivolution - a true premium product made in Germany and part of the industry-renowned MASTERFLEX hose range. MASTERFLEX has once again extended its product mix to include a hose that brings together the ultimate in cost-efficiency and process reliability for use in even the simplest of extraction applications.

The all-new Master-PUR L-F Trivolution is now available in various standard lengths from our warehouse. Call us today!

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